Leukemia- Bone marrow is the manufacturing house of blood cells, that is RBC, WBC, Platelet etc. When it becomes defunct, it starts producing abnormal blood cells leaving behind scanty mature cells and enormous premature cells which can not function as mature cells.That’s why RBC can not carry out proper oxygenation, lack of WBC cause body susceptible to opportunistic infection, low platelets impair clotting mechanism.
Depending on progression and involvement of different types of blood cells, leukemia is categorised into four types – viz. acute lymphoblastic ( immature lymphocytes), chronic lymphocytic (mature lymphocytes), acute myeloid ( immature myeloid cells incl.RBC, platelet, some types of WBC), chronic myeloid (mature myeloid cells.) Genetic mutation due to chemicals, radiation, heredity can cause this disorder. Blood tests, bone marrow biopsy help to diagnose this disorder. Treatment available- chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, stem cell therapy are presently available treatment in medical science.
Dr.Baruah has developed treatment with Baruah applied human Genetic engineering where his molecules Target the disease genes, either it destroys or repairs the damaged genes, produces normal bone marrow, this helps the patient to recover faster without destroying normal cells.